How to Scale Your Small Business Without Sacrificing Your Personal Growth

The Kristen David
The Narrative
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2022


Professional woman in a necklace and black dress against a gray background

It often seems like there are two competing messages out there today for business owners: “find new ways to grow your business” and “take the time to focus on your wellness and growth.” Unfortunately, these messages don’t often seem to work hand in hand, at least in real life. Too often, business owners and leaders end up sacrificing their wellness and personal growth in order to focus on scaling their business (or even just keeping it afloat).

I get it. I really do. I’ve been there — working the 85+ hour weeks, stressing through the sleepless nights, and putting aside my own needs for my business. That’s why I created Upleveling Your Business: to help as many business owners as possible find a better way.

It really is possible to balance both messages — your personal life and growth and the growth of your business. It takes planning, strong systems, the right team, and the right guidance, but it really is possible.

I obviously can’t describe every detail in a blog post, but I can bring you through the framework!

Create the Right Foundation

Millions of businesses open each year, and almost 20% of them fail within the first year. According Chad Otar, President of a financial firm in Brooklyn, nearly 50% of them close their doors within the first five years, and often for the same reasons:

  • Poor cash flow management and losing control of finances
  • Lack of planning and strategy
  • Not building the right team

Simply put, many business owners start out with huge dreams (which are a good thing to have) but not the systems and management skills that will make those dreams a reality. This isn’t usually something that is intentionally ignored — it’s just that most of us were never taught how to run our business like a business.

I know this was true for me, and it’s true for many of the business owners I work with. This is why my team and I are so passionate about helping our clients build their systems, develop their teams, and learn to become strong money managers.

Each business is different and each will require different strategies and nuances, but the foundation for each is the same!

Be Intentional About the Habits You Develop

Building the right foundation is essential, but after that, your mindset and habits are key.

Your mindset will affect different areas of your business. It will give you the courage to step out and try new things, the ability to lead your team with a balance of confidence and compassion, and the tenacity to keep going when others would quit.

Essentially, your mindset is the basis of the choices you make and the habits you develop.

Developing strong habits may not be easy, but it is worth it. This starts with making the decision to build and refine your business plan, to calendar in what’s most important to you, and to put systems in place to manage your workload and schedule.

Determine which vacations, holidays, and family events are most important to you and block them off on your calendar up front. Consider them non-negotiables and plan for them. With the right systems in place, your team can run things in your absence!

Then, put strong systems to work to manage your daily and weekly schedule. Different methods work for different business owners, but here are some of my favorites:

  • Utilizing a block calendar
  • Holding an Open Office Hour on a weekly basis — this cuts down on so many of the “do you have a minute?” moments that end up taking far more than a minute!
  • Training and allowing your EA to manage your calendar and serve as your gatekeeper so you can focus on the actions that will drive your business forward

Get the Support You Need

If you want to succeed, surround yourself with people who are committed to your success — people who will support you, challenge you, and hold you accountable to reaching your goals.

These people include your team, your inner circle, your network contacts, and your coaches.

  • Your team is full of people who work beside you daily to build a successful business. Yes, they depend on you, but they are also the people who able to support you in incredible ways. Be intentional about letting them do so!
  • Your inner circle are the people who are closest to you. These people may include your family and loved ones, your close friends, and your mentors. They know you and have unique ways to support you.
  • Even though your network contacts may not be as close, they can support you in some incredible ways. And sometimes, it’s just nice to be in contact with people who “get it!”
  • Lastly, your Coaches are an amazing source of support and accountability. They are dedicated to your success, but they also have the perspectives and resources to help you succeed in a variety of ways. (By the way, if you’re looking for a Coaching Program, you can check ours out here!)

Building the right foundation and strong systems, developing the right mindset and habits, and having the consistent support you need to succeed will make a huge difference in both your personal growth and the growth of your business, and I can’t wait to watch you thrive!

Kristen David, a former trial lawyer and partner who went from working 85 hours a week and taking home way too little money in her law firm, built it up to a million-dollar-plus business, then sold her shares and pivoted into a business coach guru. She is now an international speaker, bestselling author, and operates a successful business, empowering business owners to build thriving, profitable businesses that are self-managed with systems. She helps busy business owners build those systems by implementing policies and procedures the Fast Track Way.



The Kristen David
The Narrative

Mentor, Guru, Ass-Kicker, International Speaker, Writer, Marketing & Management Advisor for Business Owners.